Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Baby Robins

For the first time in 5 years...I have babies! Baby birds that is.

Despite my efforts in the past to have a regular supply of food and water, birds never nested in my tree.

A mother and father robin have been raising three babies and it's been great to see the dynamics of a bird family. The adults take turns providing and protecting. One protects while the other gets food (usually worms, which has been in abundance from all the rains) it's like a tag team.

Little by little I could see heads bobbing up and down and getting larger. Just today Kaitlin came running in saying that one of the babies was on a branch. She was right and there it was just hanging around the nest. I had to take a picture before it's tail feathers came in because I'm sure once that happens they'll be on their way. Maybe I can get some video of flying lessons ;)

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