Friday, August 21, 2009

First Day of School

It's that time again. The start of cooler weather, college football and of course...back to school.

It's the end of "Mom, I'm bored what can I do?" and the beginning of "I hate homework!"

Braden's in his last year of elementary school, 5th grade. Next year i'll have the fun of waiting in two school pick-up lines. *yippee*

Kaitlin's starting 3rd grade in which she has her first male teacher. She's excited because apparently he gives out treats and lets them sit on their desks. *sigh*

They're growing soo fast.

My sweet girl.

Cool dude.

The classes gather in the gym before heading to their classrooms. Braden is at the back of the line. His teacher is also in the picture.

Kaitlin in her line :)

Little Miss Kaeleigh (or KK as she calls herself) is still too young for school. She will enjoy more time to herself, as well as, more one on one time with me :)


Bev said...

It is so scary how time flies. Charlotte is about to start her last year of infants school and Harry is just about to start his first, That means I have two children going in and out at differnt ends of the school, that should be fun,

I will enjoy my time with Sarah she does not start school till she is 5 prob a few days at nursery when she is 3, I got a feeling she might need it

Bev said...

Your two oldest look the best of friends...I can't even get mine to pretend for a photo