Thursday, May 21, 2009

8th Birthday ~ part 2

The most important thing Kaitlin wanted for her birthday was to get her ears pierced. She'd been waiting all year for this day so without further ado, here's how it went down...

Nervously waiting for the deed to be done.

She did very tears spilled, just a little jump each time the earings were inserted.

Showing off her new flower studs. Kaitlin was soooo happy.

We were told that Kaitlin wasn't the first red head with freckles to get her ears pierced that morning. Another girl came in just before us, she was also celebrating her 8th birthday.
Hmmm, what are the odds of that?!
The next day Kaitlin was showing her friends at church. Low and behold, one of them, who's 8th birthday was 2 days before had gone to the same place on the same day and gotten her ears pierced by the same girl using the same earings!!!!
Not only will they get to share their baptism together but they also inadvertantly got earings on the same day :D

1 comment:

Kris said...

I didn't get my ears pierced until my 18th birthday (my mom wouldn't let me!) and then I was scared silly! Still have them, still love them!