Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentines Crafts/Gifts

For Christmas my mother in law gave me a subscrption to Family Fun Magazine. This months issue has been very helpful with ideas for Valentines Day. The kids made these gifts for their teachers and classmates.

This locker is great for valentines cards and treats (made out of a cracker box).
As luck would have it the school mascot is a mountain

These treats are a variation of the craft below.

Kaitlin combined her cards with the treats. (front and back views)

I thought this was a great idea. The hands are wrapped around a hand lotion bottle.

Poor quality photo but you get the idea. I bought the lotion at Bath and Body Works.
(on sale for $1)
* We traced Kaeleigh's was the perfect size for the miniature bottle :D


1 comment:

Kris said...

We used to get Family Fun when the kids were young...I should send it to Matt for Kaya! I still do fun little things for the holidays even though my baby is 22!