As most of my friends know...I don't read much, but a friend gave me this book and said it was great. Unsure of the story I decided to give it a try. Quite a few people have read this story and loved it, I quickly realised that I would love it too.
I couldn't pull myself out of the book until the third chapter, not because my interest faded but simply because it took 52 pages to break away!
When not reading I wonder what will happen next, it's as if a fire has been rekindled (I enjoyed reading as a child and teen but it faded away when I had my family).
I'd heard the movie will be in theatres on Nov 21st and did some math, realizing that I would need to read 70 pages a day in order to finish.
I chortled to myself knowing full well that it would be an impossibilty (for me anyway, I read slowly to fully enjoy what I'm reading).
I must say that it has been an effortless task...no...a joy reading this book. I've been reading for 2 days and already I'm half way through...that's 276 pages. There's something about this book that I adore but I can't put my finger on it.
Here's hoping the movie will live up to my expectations.